Making people's dreams come true

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Curious about the world? Then you're in the right place! With passion, innovation, care and consideration we broaden people's horizons and make dreams come true. Come along and you'll see what we mean.

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Stranded in paradise

Go offline and wind down. Doing nothing is cool and very underrated. Sometimes you just need to travel a little further to get close to yourself. And each other.

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The polar bug

The polar regions are some of the world´s most magnificent wildernesses. After catching the famous polar bug, you´ll be yearning for that epic icy world.

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Hiking and biking

The world´s more beautiful when you experience it with all your senses at once. On foot or on wheels is only here and now. The greatest experiences aren´t measured in the number of steps taken or miles pedalled. All that counts is how you feel. Not to be sneezed at.

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Challenge yourself

An active holiday that´ll make you grow from within. Challenging and pleasurable in equal measures. A time out that will make you stronger and happier!

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Looking at nature, looking at culture

Monumental sights and hidden gems alike, are best explored in small groups, with insightful guides who know the art of storytelling.

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We create trips and meetings that´ll leave you with unforgettable memories

We simply love sharing our experience and wisdom of a global world. United by a joint focus on quality in every dimension.

Each and every one of us is a passionate specialist – Together we are UNLIMITED.

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With friends and co-workers

Memorable meetings help merge the work team. New tastes, colours, scents and angles give perspective and reignition.

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